Monday, 25 October 2021

Dreaming of Greece

I’m not sure about you but it feels that my last holiday abroad was ages ago. It was actually last year when we were in India, at the beginning of 2020 but it feels much longer ago now. Doesn’t COVID feel like it has lasted years! I have missed travelling abroad and would like to go away again soon. I love travelling around Europe and if I were to choose right now Greece would be one of my top countries to visit.


Sunday, 28 February 2021

10 gift ideas for new mums

A couple of friends are about to have babies so I thought it would be great to write a blog post on gift ideas for new mums! I included some of my personal gift favourites and also asked fellow bloggers for their best tips. Here is a list of 10 great suggestions on what to buy new mums. 

1. Hamper 

A hamper of useful little bits! The best gift I was given was a homemade hamper filled with things I hadn't really thought to buy; from nipple cream and Bepanthen through to chocolate bars and a water bottle to fill and use. There was nothing expensive in there but it was the most useful present ever... especially the chocolate bars and water bottle mid-feeding session! Hayley, Devon Mama If you don't have time for a homemade hampers there are some great maternity hamper and baby hampers on the market.

2. Skincare Products

Anything to do with hand care! Maybe it is a lack of self care after the baby is born, maybe mums hands have dried out in a hospital stay. Maybe it is all the soaking and cleaning baby bottles and clothes but my hands were like sandpaper for the first month after having a baby. Some good hand cream like O’keefes or Neutragena would have been a very welcome gift!  Jo, A Rose Tinted World Stretch mark cream such as Bio-oil, body cream or relaxing bath oil would also make a welcoming gift for a new mum!

3. Cosy Pyjamas

Early days with a newborn can be mostly spent at home indoors getting used to the new routine and sleepless nights. A comfortable pair of PJs and a cosy dressing gown are a must and a great present for a new mum.

4. Food Voucher

Becoming a mum for the first time can be overwhelming, and that is probably an understatement. There are so many things to do and that list only grows in length once the father returns to work after one or two weeks' paternity leave. Having thought long and hard about what to give one of my neighbours after she gave birth, I decided to send her a voucher for a local takeaway. It might seem like a strange gift and not very personal, but she had everything else she needed and I felt that this would give her a bit more freedom and flexibility. I know it was appreciated. Vicki, Blossom Education 

5. Home-cooked meals

A few home cooked meals. When you have older children you can feel guilty about feeding the newborn and worry about nutrition for the older ones. Plus you need energy yourself! It saves on worry about shopping, meal plannng and preparation so brilliant all round. Laura, Loopyloulaura 

In the early days of bringing a new baby home it’s the little simple things that make all the difference. I always make some home made dishes to drop round to the new parents... such as lasagnes , chillis etc that the mum or dad can just pop in the oven. Enjoyable home made food without the stress of making it. Vikki, Best Lodge with Hot Tubs

6. Foot Spa

A fantastic gesture is a foot spa. When a mum has been on her feet all day and is relaxing in the evening, nothing is better than a nice warm foot soak when relaxing with the baby. John, Not Another Blogger  

7. Flowers and Chocolates

When I had my first baby everyone bought useful things for the baby, but one friend brought flowers and chocolates for me to celebrate the day I became a mother. That was my most memorable and favourite present. Debbie, Mum's the Boss

8. Photoshoot voucher

A voucher for a newborn or a family photoshoot. As a new mum you can be really busy, the days are long and the nights are longer, however, it is so nice to have some professional photos to look back on of your family and baby’s first year. Raimonda, Cosmo Mum 

9. Hot Drinks Flask/Reusable Cup

A spill proof hot drinks flask, for use at home! I lost count of how many times I made a hot drink and got distracted with baby and it went cold... or the numerous times I boiled the kettle then forgot, then had to boil again! Using a hot drinks flask at home is a great way to keep a hot drink warm and at the ready all day. A spill proof version is ideal so it doesn't get knocked over and can be closed at the top. Victoria, Travel Vixta

10. TV/film subscription

A TV/film or even audiobook subscription is a great present for relaxing days or nights. Buy any new mum her favourite series or book to get stuck into for those cosy times on the sofa. 

* This post contains a sponsored link. I hope this list gave you some great inspiration. What would you choose from the list? 

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