Wednesday, 13 June 2018

Holiday fun with Super Camps

During May half-term Pip went along to his first ever holiday camp! Super Camps is one of the biggest holiday childcare providers in the UK for children aged 4-11 years old. They have 83 locations around the country spreading from Cornwall to North Yorkshire. There are a range of camps to suit different ages and specialist clubs to cover various interests such as cooking, LEGO® and outdoor adventure. Super Camps can be booked on a daily or weekly basis, depending on availability, to suit the needs of the child and parent. They also offer an extensive range of activities – so many in fact that I would love to attend myself! Although I was there in collaboration with Britmums as part of a blogger campaign and review, I registered on the Super Camps website as anyone else would do. It was straightforward to navigate. I simply typed my postcode/town and a list appeared with all the Super Camps within my region. Luckily for us, there is one based at Brighton and Hove Prep school, somewhere previously unfamiliar to me but easy to travel to and near the centre of town. Within minutes I had made the booking and received a confirmation email with details about the day and what to bring (a healthy packed lunch and snacks).

Pip has just turned five and is in his first year of reception class so he hadn’t attended any type of holiday club before this. I was slightly worried about leaving him in a new environment without me and with new people he hadn’t met before. When I told him he was attending a new club he didn’t sound too happy about going. However, thankfully it was another story when we arrived the next morning. The staff were so welcoming as soon as we set through the door. The camp leader, Lacy welcomed us in and after a brief registration Pip was introduced to his age group leader. We were walked to the main hall to meet the other children and join in with the activities. This was the point where I said goodbye to Pip. He was excited to see all the toys and activities, in particular the LEGO®, his favourite thing at the moment (along with dinosaurs and cars)! He walked off with one of the supervisors and didn’t even look back!

I left Pip alone for the morning to let him settle in and experience Super Camps without me being around, then returned in the afternoon for a tour and chat with the manager. I sat at the back of the classes for some sessions and most of the time Pip didn’t know I was there! He danced with the rest of the group, went on the trampoline, built LEGO® towers, spent time outdoors (he loved playing basketball for the first time) and tested out the electric cars inside the classroom. These are things he loves to do at home and outside in general so it was wonderful to have a large range of activities at the camp. Along with lunch and snacks in the main food hall there was more than enough to keep the children entertained.

I was impressed with the activities that the camp manager, Lacy had planned for each age group. Older children decorated their own cups which they took home at the end of the day. Despite knowing no-one at the camp in the morning, Pip had become friendly with another little boy in his group and was so entertained by all the activities I don’t think he missed me at all. In terms of price, the Brighton venue cost £45 from 9-5pm. I thought this was good value for working parents. In the summer holidays you can buy weekly slots of childcare which work out slightly cheaper than buying on a day to day basis. Prices do range from school to school so please check your nearest venue.

Overall, Pip had a wonderful time! I honestly couldn’t fault the day or facilities at all. The staff were incredibly friendly and welcoming which made all the difference! As Super Camps is generally hosted in private schools, each location differs slightly in what can be provided. For example, if the venue has a swimming pool it is likely that Super Camps will take the children to the pool. Some of the bigger schools have huge playing fields, wooded areas and even zoos! As mentioned previously selected schools specialise in different courses including A Passion for Cookery, A Passion for LEGO® Play and RAW Outdoor Adventure. Pip had a wonderful time as this multi-activity camp and if he attends again, I’ll be confident that he’ll have a great time in a friendly, active and stimulating environment.


I’m working with Super Camps and BritMums promoting the #SuperCampsKids campaign sponsored by Super Camps. Visit to find a camp near you!

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Have you been to Super Camp or holiday club? I'd love to hear about your experiences ☺



  1. Wow what an amazing idea! My kids would absolutely love that kind of thing, they love arts and crafts inparticular and also mixing with other children too! It looks great!

    1. Thank you! I think your kids would love it :)

  2. This sounds absolutely wonderful - the range of activities is brilliant and I'm really impressed at how quickly your son was able to settle in. £45 is actually great value for a day in our area, I wonder how much our local one charges.

  3. This sounds great! It's so hard to keep the kids entertained and this sounds incredible with so many fun activities.

  4. Such a good range of resources and the activities look very well organised. Their 'house rules' are a very nice touch as well.

  5. I think the fact that your son was super happy to be left and settled in quickly speaks volumes! I also think it's really good value at £45 a day, especially when they pack so much in! Thanks for the tip, I will look out for them in the future! :)

    1. That's so true, settling in quickly does speak volumes and so important for both child & parent. Thank you x

  6. I'd never heard of Super Camps before, but I'll definitely be looking whether they have camps in Hertfordshire! I love the fact they've got such a range of activities not limited to sports.

    1. Let me know if you find any! In terms of activities, there seems to be something for every child :)

  7. My girls used to go these camps in the sumner and they used to love them as they never got time to get bored as there were so many activities to do. It’s so nice that your son joined in and settled in really quickly.

    1. Ah that's lovely to hear, glad they had so much fun!

  8. I have booked mine in for a week in August and they cannot wait to try all the activities

    1. Oh fantastic! Hope they have fun. Looking forward to reading about it :)

  9. awww man I so WISH I could have gone to a camp like this! Sounds like they have some great activities.

  10. It looks like Pip had so much fun! We've never used a holiday camp but this is something I'll be looking into in the future x

    1. Thanks Donna! It was a great experience :) x

  11. I absolutely love the look of Super Camps, I think my kids would adore it. I might look in to this for the summer, I'm just starting to think about planning their time and activities.

    1. It's a great holiday camp! Good luck with the summer planning, I need to do the same :)

  12. My children had the most amazing day at the Sherfield School Super Camps too! I thought it was fantastic!

  13. Oh it looks brilliant - can't wait for my little dude to go too!

  14. It's great that they did so much to help your son settle in. That's every parent's fear, isn't it - putting their child into an unfamiliar surrounding. SuperCamps sounds great, and we can't wait to try it out over the summer.

    1. Yes that's true! I'm so glad he loved it. Good luck with your visit over summer, hope it all goes well! :)

  15. This sounds like so much fun. I'm glad he had a great time. Super Camps sounds like a great place for children to interact with other children and make new friends during the holidays.
    Commenting for myself and on behalf of BritMums


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