Wednesday, 23 November 2016

20 Questions I Asked Pip

I was recently approached by Shepherds Friendly and asked to take part in their 20 questions to ask your kids project. I had a look at their worksheet and thought it would be a great activity to do with Pip. I ask him questions every day but there were some on the sheet I had never asked so I was keen and curious to see what he had to say. Plus, it's a lovely little way to document these moments in 'real life' and on the blog. He's nearly three and a half now and such a sweet, funny and boisterous little boy. His speech, sense of humour and imagination are developing every day. I took a video of us as I asked the questions and Pip gave his answers, some so funny. It will be lovely to look back at it in the future. Here's a little transcript of the questions I asked & his exact answers, some very cute, some hilarious and some completely unexpected!

20 Questions I Asked Pip

1. What is your favourite colour?

2. Who is your best friend? 

3. What is your favourite TV programme?

4. What do you want to be when you grow up?
Into a sunflower!

5. What car do you want to have when you grow up?

6. If you could go anywhere in the world on holiday, where would you go?
To Africa!

7. Do you want to get married one day?

8. How many children would you like to have?
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 18!

9. What age are you when you become an adult?
A man

10. What are you good at?
Drawing my name and making a train track

11. If you had a superpower what would you be?
A super elephant

12. If you had one wish, what would that be?
A scooter

13. What do I do as a job?
Work on a computer

14. What are you scared of?

15. What is your favourite song?
Yellow Submarine and Hello Goodbye

16. What is your favourite class at nursery?

17. What is something I always say to you?
Don't do that!

18. What is the hardest thing you've ever had to do?
Pull a train hard with a long train

19. What makes you happy? 
Mr Happy

20. What makes you sad? 
Mr Grumpy

Such funny answers! Why don't you take part and see what answers your child gives?

How to take part:
- Simply download the worksheet above.
- Print it off.
- Ask your child the questions and write down your answers. 
- Your child has the option of colouring in the sheet.
- Take a photo of your sheet and upload it to social media. 
- Use the hashtag #ShepherdsTwenty so you can share your child's answers with everyone taking part.
- Put a note in your diary and do it again next year!

If you do take part please let me know as I'd love to see your children's answers! The Question Sheet was produced by the Shepherds Friendly Society who offer a range of savings plans including a Junior Isa

*This is a collaborative post



  1. This is so cute! I love posts like this.
    "What is your favourite class at nursery? BOOOYYYSSS!"

    1. Thanks for the comment Sarah. I know, such funny answers :-)

  2. I do something like this on N's birthday. It's great to see how answers change as they get older. (and not always more truthful!) #thelist

    1. Ah, I will have to ask him the same questions next year. Will be funny to see the difference! :-)

  3. A super elephant! That is the cutest. Thanks for linking up to #thelist x

    1. Where did that come from, lo! Thanks for hosting Amy! x

  4. If BB is asked where I work and what I do she says 'a coffee shop' because that's where I often work from!! #thelistlinky

    1. Aww, that is so funny! Imagine putting 'a coffee shop' on your CV ;-)


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