Friday, 29 January 2016

Photo Friday: Dusk

© Our Seaside Baby

I took this photo yesterday afternoon. It's been pretty cold & windy these last few days but skies like this make up for it. There's no editing in this shot apart from cropping, it looks exactly as it did here. Isn't it beautiful? This is the view from my little boy's bedroom. We admired it for a while before the clouds changed their shape, the colour faded then disappeared as darkness fell. I took a few shots and this was the best one I think although it was taken on my phone so not the best quality. I love the silhouette of the roof tops, the detail in the branches of the tree and the contrast this creates with those bright colours in the sky. 

Have you seen any similar skies lately?

Linking up with Photo Friday & Friday Photo Journal



  1. Beautiful picture - I really like the silhouettes too. Skyscapes are one of my favourite things to capture.

    1. Thanks very much Jade. There is so much beauty in the sky :)

  2. Watching the sky almost always gets you rewarded. I love watching a sunset or sunrise or simply the ever changing clouds. Beautiful picture.

    1. Thanks very much. The sky really is beautiful :)


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