Saturday, 30 May 2015

A letter on your last day of being one

Dear sweetie,

Tomorrow you’ll be turning two! Two whole years! It’s crazy. Hasn’t time flown. Time is a funny thing. In some ways your birth feels as if it were yesterday and in other ways it feels like many many years ago, almost like a dream. Sometimes it is still hard to believe that you are my son and that you’re nearly two! You do something new every single day and it still amazes me what a clever little cheeky monkey you are.

You love running, the sea, animals, Thomas the tank engine books, pushchairs, taking everything out of the cupboards, throwing your food on the floor, sorting and rearranging, music, dancing, nursery rhymes, singing, people singing to you, saying ‘oh no’ in a posh grown up accent, your wind up toy fly, toy cars, aeroplanes and helicopters, animals, jumping on the beds, imaginative play, painting, being tickled, laughing, going into all of the places you’re not allowed in, and your favourite food is still strawberries. Your daddy has been taking you on the trampolines a lot recently so you now think beds are trampolines too which is why you have been bouncing up and down in your cot a lot! Your dancing has also turned into a jumping bouncing sequence.

In the last month you have started saying so many more words. You can’t speak in proper sentences, usually it’s two words together but it’s amazing that I can have a conversation with you at the moment (subjects must relate to food, animals, toys or activities). This week, for example, I have been telling you we are going to the zoo for your birthday and ask you what animals we’re going to see. You give me a big list of animals we’ll see which usually goes in the order of cow, cat, dog, bird, monkey…etc. If I ask you what you want to do in the morning your list usually includes the sea, going on a train or a trip to the park!

Physically you’re still very big for your age! Your hair has still never been cut (although it’s coming soon I think) and you have beautiful cute curls. Your hair is a beautiful shade of light brown with some golden streaks. You have blue/green eyes and a beautiful smile. You love pulling funny faces especially your surprised face and your over the top smile. You still have a chubby little baby face which means I just want to kiss you most of the time! You are such an affectionate little boy. You have given some wonderful cuddles this month, proper arm wrapped big boy cuddles. They make my heart melt.

Happy Birthday for tomorrow little boy! It is bittersweet because I want you as your little baby self sometimes but then you are at a great age now, full of energy and such a gorgeous little boy. I'm so excited about your birthday tomorrow and think you will love the zoo! I didn’t think it possible but my love for you grows and grows every single day and as always, I love you more than words can describe.

Mummy xxxx


  1. I hope he has a wonderful birthday, it was my little girls second birthday last week and i remember feeling exactly the same as you do. She also says "oh no" alot . Enjoy the zoo xx

    1. Thanks so much. Aww 'oh no' is common it seems hahah! Our little kiddies are growing up, sob xx

  2. Aww! How lovely! I hope he has a wonderful birthday x

    1. Thanks so much, we had a lovely day thanks :) x

  3. happy Birthday to your little boy:)

  4. Thanks very much, he had a great time at the zoo :) x

  5. this is such a lovely post! I hope that you both enjoyed his birthday.

    Leanne - A Slice of My Life Wales


    1. Thanks very much, we had a lovely birthday thanks :)

  6. *sob* It's so bittersweet watching them grow up. I hope he had a lovely day x

    Quite Frankly She Said - UK Beauty, Parenting & Lifestyle Blog

    1. Thanks very much. I know, bittersweet isn't it. We had a great day thank you :) x

  7. This is going to be such a great post for you to go back and read. All the little snapshots of who he is right now.

    1. Thanks very much Michelle. So true, it will be great to read back. I am already missing him for my future self! Typical! :)

  8. Awww my little boy turned two on june the 1st. Crazy how quick time goes. My little boy has suddenly started saying more and more words to and putting two words together. It's magical.I hope your little boy had a great time at the zoo and saw all those animals he wanted to see. #BrilliantBlogPosts

    1. Aww our little boys are just a day apart! We had a fantastic time at the zoo thanks (recent blog post). Did you have a nice birthday for your little one? :)

  9. What a perfect pre-birthday post full of such lovely memories for you both to look back on! Thank you for linking up at #sharethejoy and hope he had the most amazing birthday x

    1. Thanks very much Michelle, had a lovely birthday :)

  10. What a really love post. Brought tears to my eyes as you have captured what I have been thinking about my little one. He will be 2 next month and I feel this is by far my favourite stage with him (although I have felt that about every stage of development so far). Hope you both had a nice time. x #TheList

    1. Aww thanks so much. It's so nice to hear other people relating to these posts. It's such a lovely stage isn't it. We had a lovely birthday at the zoo thanks (new blog post) and can't believe I have a two year old. I hope you have a lovely celebration for your little one too :) x

  11. Ah such a gorgeous letter! Happy birthday little one! Thanks so much for linking up to #TheList x

  12. Aww what a cute letter. My littleface is turning 2 in a few weeks. Time goes by so quickly. I wish I could stop time for a while. xxx 2littlefaces #thelist

  13. I loved reading this, isn't it crazy how our babies are actually people you can have a conversation with these days! I'm loving this age and it's clear you are too! Happy Birthday seaside baby! x

  14. This is a lovely post and I really do hope that you give this letter to him when he is older. It would be the best present ever when he becomes a father. I hope you are well. Take care of yourself xx


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