Monday, 6 April 2015

My first blogging conference: I’m going to BritMums Live!

In June I am attending my first blogging conference, BritMums Live: a two day social media conference held in London and the biggest of its type in the UK. I am so excited about going and thought I would list a few of the things I am most looking forward to:

Being part of the blogging community 

I’ve been blogging for nearly seven months and have learnt so much about blogging; discovering the huge community of bloggers out there that I had no idea existed, the opportunities that have arisen from blogging, the feeling of satisfaction of writing and publishing a post, the interaction and lovely feedback, the list goes on and on. Attending one of the biggest blogging conferences in the year will make me feel even more involved and part of the blogging community. 

Meeting bloggers in ‘real life’

Having read so many blogs and ‘chatted’ to so many bloggers online, mostly on twitter and facebook, it will be wonderful to meet these bloggers in person. I was just thinking today I will probably be quite starstruck meeting some of the bigger and popular bloggers whose blogs I read regularly!

Learning more

I have learnt so much yet know so little! Blogging is a big learning curve and although I’ve thrown myself into the world of blogging, with what time I have, there is still so much to learn. The line up for speakers looks amazing, there are so many interesting talks and I will try to cram as much into my brain as possible! :)


The talks look wonderful and I’m sure plenty of inspiration will be flowing around the building. In particular, I am looking forward to the following:

Wow! All of the discussions look amazing and I’m sure I’ll have inspiration coming out of my ears by the end of it all!

Adult discussion 

In my past I’ve been to many conferences and spoken at some but haven’t been to any in years. Actually the last one I attended was an academic conference nearly three years ago! The thought of great adult stimulation and inspiring chatter for two days feels me with delight! Being a stay at home mummy is great and I am very fortunate but as any sahm will know quality adult chat during the day can be limited.

Me time

When I do get some 'me-time' I seem to end up doing boring tasks around the house or spend too long on twitter (ahem). This will be a whole two days where I can focus on me and my little world of blogging. Of course, I’m sure I’ll be missing toddler like crazy by the end of it all. I’ve spent just two nights away from him in nearly two years!

Staying in a hotel

With work I used to go away a lot in the UK and internationally. It was fun and although not quite as glamorous as it sounds I’m looking forward to getting away by myself and spending the night in a hotel on ‘business’ well, pleasure really. 

Hot weather and drinking wine

Well I had to throw these in didn’t I!?! They go along with socialising and mingling, right? I’m so looking forward to the warmer weather and a glass of wine or two will be very nice.

The BiBs Awards

The Brilliance in Blogging (BiBs) awards ceremony takes place on the Friday night and are presented by Carol Smillie. This sounds like such a fun evening and I’m curious to see which bloggers will win in each category and enjoy the evening.

Are you going to BritMums? What are you most looking forward to?

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  1. BML is my first blogging conference too - nothing like throwing yourself in at the deep end! Like you, I'm really looking forward to meeting some of the friends I've made online in person. See you there!

    1. Ah I am surprised this is just your first blogging event. I bet people will be queuing up to meet you so you won't need to play on your phone :) Really looking forward to seeing so many familiar faces, see you there in just a couple of weeks :)

  2. It s my first blogging conference too and I am so looking forward to it - see you there! #wineandboobs


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